dhasmol 08/18/2013 13:36:50 PM
Questions are same as covered in earlier posts. Few observations that would help you be more confident:
– Be cool & calm. Try not to show your nervousness even if you are internally
– If you feel conscious/ nervous before the interview, try rehearsing the commonly asked questions facing yourself in mirror – it surely helps.
– Prepare short and specific answers, shorter the better. If officer needs more details – he/she will ask!
– Always go with a smile and greet the officer. It sets a positive start.
– Look in to the eyes of the officer while giving short answers. You have to be truthful to be convincing.
– You may at times be able to hear other candidates interview discussion, you may ignore if that is going negative if it adds to your nervousness. Remember each candidate is different, and so is the officer’s decision.
– Lastly, don’t forget to thank the officer out of happiness when approved.
Finally, I would say your journey to the US starts from a footpath. Irrespective of who you are, you will realize it on the day of your interview standing in queue extending outside the consulate