US Visa Application of R Suthar


US Visa Application Date: July 2014
Category: B1/B2
Language English
Result: US Visa Denied


An astrologer from Gujarat, also assisting US Companies on Market Analysis of clients in India approached AVS for USA visa, The gentleman was aspiring to travel alone to meet clients in US, with Wife (House maker) and son (Student ) in India.

The client was not confident in English, however aspired to give interview in English to ensure the chances of getting the visa.

Questions Asked:

1. What is the purpose of your visit?
A: As per AVS training,

2. What is your business here?
A: Could not answer correctly as trained as he did not understand the accent and became very nervous.

VO: sorry we cannot allow your Visa currently but you may apply again anytime.


Client’s Comments:

Got very nervous while answering the question, and would like to re apply after training from AVS in Guarati.

AVS Comments:

During a US Visa Interview, it is very important to maintain your calm and posture. It is OK to ask the VO to repeat the question asked, that does not count as a negative point.


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